Interdisciplinary Student Symposium

Abstract Submission Rules

Abstract Writing Rules 


1- The page layout should be on A4 size with margins of 2.5 cm at the top, bottom, right, and left.  

2- Submissions should be formatted in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 12-point font, justified alignment, with a line spacing of 1.15.  

3- Abstract submissions should include a 300-word summary in either English or Turkish and contain 5 keywords.  

4- The title should be 12-point, bold, and all letters capitalized, aligned to both sides (centered).  

5- Below the title, a space should be left before writing the name, surname, number, and department. For co-authored papers, the names, numbers, and departments of both authors should be listed.  

6- Papers are recommended to involve collaborative efforts from students across different departments. 

7- Papers should plan to address at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and specify this in the keywords. For studies associated with multiple goals, keywords should be prioritized accordingly.  

8- Papers from students who do not attend the presentation will not be included in the symposium abstract book.